Monday, June 09, 2008

沒想到再寫文章的時候已經是畢業後了~~ 6/6參加畢業典禮, 當然已經不會像國中或是高中那麼感傷, 只是還是感覺很惆悵. Boston is a great city actually. 雖然台灣來的同學跟我都常常抱怨這裡太冷, 一年大概有8~9個月的天氣是跟台灣冬天一樣冷(大部分時間當然比台灣還冷), 但是這裡因為學校很多, 其實住家以及求學的環境非常好, 生活機能充足, 要甚麼有甚麼. 這裡是一個大城市, 卻又沒有紐約的喧囂跟髒亂, 人也比紐約有禮貌的多, 而且Boston也有一個很大的公園, 建築大部分也都維持早期英格蘭移民的風格, 感覺就是一個很優雅的城市.

Boston雖然是一個很古老的城市(全美歷史最悠久的餐廳在這裡), 但是卻不像費城或是底特律一樣已經沒落, 它不需要像紐約靠著一堆商業活動以及吵鬧的夜店來支撐城市的興衰,它靠的是優美的環境以及人文的匯萃來讓這個城市一直興盛下去. 在Boston,走在路上或是Charles river邊, 都是一種在其他地方沒有辦法得到的享受.

我很幸運能夠來這個城市求學,這段日子是我畢生永難忘懷的. I will miss you, Beantown.

Friday, November 16, 2007

It has been seven months since my last post. Actually I have been through lots of fun, interesting, and painful stuffs. Just no time to write them down. (Well, I know this is just an excuse.) Anyway, I do need to put down something here. After all, this may be my last 9 months living in US and being a student. (Well2, I still want to pursue another master in the future. Just not now.)

Thursday, April 12, 2007


就是今天!!! 居然在前一天只睡不到四個小時的情況下,第一堂8:30~10:00的課,我沒有睡著!!!可能是因為今天講insider trading還蠻有趣的,外加我就坐在老師正前方,不敢睡的關係,結果第二堂課快結束前還是不小心打了個盹...破功...還算可以了,已經很久沒有完全上完一堂課的好事發生在我身上了...

唉,上課一條蟲,下課一條龍,下午又莫名奇妙被cold call,雖然我知道該題答案,只是當場因為睡意正濃,居然大概恍神定格10秒,還好Jane在我旁邊小聲的提醒了答案...只是,最近上finance之類的課,感覺很怪,老師會一直問問題cold call人,有時我會想,答案不就是XYZ這麼簡單嘛,他也要問,是不是另有奚蹺?!可事後諸葛來看,我想太多了!!!老師大概只是想engage多一點人參加他的授課party...

Saturday, March 31, 2007


剛剛看了老弟的部落格,發現這個好笑的結論,還是從Google Map來的...

答案就是:游泳游3462 miles然後大約29天就可以到了....XD

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Capital Market…

League Table是啥?簡言之,就是investment bank的排名,主要分ECM (Equity Capital Market), DCM (Debt Capital Market), M&A (Merger and Acquisition)跟其他像是structured finance等產品的排名.

最近看FinanceAsia,發現一則好玩的新聞,背景主要就是菲利浦要釋出台積電股票一事,結果想當然爾是Goldman來做這個deal啦(Goldman跟TSMC是長期友好的夥伴,拜宋學仁之賜,從台積電到NASDAQ釋股開始,只要是TSMC的deal, Goldman應該是無役不與.),但是遭到同行抗議這個deal不能算到所謂”league table”裡,其實抗議常常發生,只是因為這個deal size太大,影響排名甚鉅,所以格外引人注目,連Dealogic(專門update investment banking排名的)都為此上週暫時不更新排名…investment banks爭這個真的是爭的相當認真.

有人當然覺得神經病,爭這種排名爭這麼認真幹嘛,有賺到錢就好,可是其實這排名對investment bank來說,是非常非常重要的. Banker在跟客戶做簡報找生意時,都要show一下我們這家銀行過去以及到目前為止在各項產品的表現,如果排名太差,確實會做不到生意!!!每家銀行都有自己的niche,擅長的產品也不一樣,所以在其擅長的領域就特別希望排名很前面,能夠維繫這塊產品的生意,以免擅長的產品生意沒了,到時候表現可就難看了.. 順道附個新聞,FinanceAsia會把歷史新聞鎖住,只好趁它還夠新鮮先剪下來,大家分享一下…

Rival banks challenge Goldman's TSMC transaction
By Anette Jönsson 19 March 2007
Complaints concern whether the $1.75 billion deal is eligible for league table credit. If included, the sell-down by Philips will push Goldman to number one.

Frequent readers of this website may notice that the league tables provided by Dealogic on a weekly basis weren't updated on Friday as usual and no league table roundup is included in this morning’s newsletter.

The reason, according to Dealogic, is that a number of investment banks have challenged the inclusion of Royal Philips Electronics’ $1.75 billion sell-down in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC) last Monday. While such challenges are by no means unusual, the sheer size of this trade and the fact that it will in one go propel Goldman Sachs (as the sole bookrunner of the transaction) from seventh to first in the Asia ex-Japan ECM ranking has prompted Dealogic to hold off on updating the numbers until this issue has been settled.

The root of the complaint appears to be a suggestion that the transaction lacked an underwriting agreement and that it was carried out by Goldman’s trading desk, rather than the ECM desk. This is sometimes done on block trades, especially when the seller is a client of the investment bank's trading desk, and Dealogic as a rule doesn’t include these transactions in its rankings.

Typically though, such an approach is used for smaller transactions of below $100 million. And several bankers noted on Friday that it would be “almost impossible” to do a deal the size of the TSMC transaction from the trading desk.

This is also what Goldman says and, according to sources, the bank plans to show the underwriting agreement it signed with Philips to Dealogic as proof that the deal does indeed qualify for league table credits.

A similar “defence” was used by UBS on the one hand and Citigroup on the other with regard to two separate sell-downs in Shinhan Financial by Korea Deposit Insurance (KDIC) in April last year and in February this year. Both deals were challenged by rival investment banks on the basis that the great majority of each deal went directly to strategic investors and that this portion therefore shouldn’t be counted as part of the underwritten transaction.

However, after showing their respective underwriting agreements to Dealogic, the compiler of capital markets data accepted both transactions in full.

The challenge to the TSMC deal, which sources say was made by several banks together in order not to single out any one complainant, highlights how competitive the banks really are with regard to the league tables. Even this early in the year they are seemingly prepared to take every chance they can to prevent other banks from getting ahead. The situation may have been aggravated by the fact that it involves Goldman Sachs, whose solid track-record of being in the top three makes it a favourite bank to beat.

As of March 9, UBS topped the Asia ex-Japan ECM table, having arranged $2 billion worth of deals. It was followed by JPMorgan and Citigroup. Goldman was seventh with $1 billion of league table credits.
The Blackstone Group(黑石集團) 要IPO了.這個算是全球數一數二的private equity (私募基金)計畫要公開上市了.以前很難想像,私募基金大部分都是保持非常神秘的運作方式,只有deal做成才會上報然後大家一陣驚嘆財務操作的手法跟deal size後,private equity又潛下水去繼續銷聲匿跡的找下個deal去了,現在居然要公開上市,意味著以後可能公開在陽光下給投資人檢視財務,operation等,不曉得會否增加做deal的困難度…乍看之下想說Blackstone幹嘛找自己麻煩.可是據報導,可能是因為兩個founders年事已高,想藉由IPO出脫持股,讓他們長年經營的事業有更高的報酬(是要多高?據稱某位founder已經有百億美金的身價…),但是主要還是黑石意識到便宜資金的時代已經結束了,現在各國都慢慢往升息的道路前進,要借到便宜的錢已經不是那麼容易的.而IPO透過發股的方式募集資金,雖然一般皆認為發股比舉債成本高,但是發股募到的錢,理論上等於永遠不用退還給投資大眾,所以這也是可以想到Blackstone想要IPO的主因之一. Anyway,等著看後續發展,有機會我也想買一股參一腳..哈

3. ABN AMRO可能要被Barclays購併了.上週經濟學人雜誌(Economist)才在討論ABN的CEO要怎樣處理這家公司(當時一些hedge funds寫信建議ABN賣掉自己一部份或全部算了),這週就有消息ABN可能會被Barclays併購,也好,ABN近年在全球的presence越來越小,Barclays反而很積極在發展(BGI group, Barclays Global Investors,特別有名),兩個湊一湊強化banking業務,看有沒有機會像Lehman Brothers一樣在眾人一遍不看好聲中發展出自己的一片天(Lehman Brothers本週剛被BusinessWeek選為Top50 Best Performers,是跟Goldman Sachs唯二兩家進榜的銀行), 這對banking industry也是件好事,多點players才有趣.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Work-Life balance...

本週又開始Sloan Innovation Period了.這次課程主要都是排Leadership的課,昨天早上上了work-life balance的課(跟leadership似乎關連不大…:P),請了一些也是商學院畢業的講師來分享他們人生的選擇跟心路歷程,主要都是一些人生開導的內容,人生畢竟有太多意外,這些講師有的是先生車禍性情大變然後兩人離婚,再婚嫁給Goldman的partner,有的是先生為了老婆要去念HBS而放棄Stanford的offer,到HBS念博士班,也有因為商學院畢業後做consultant的工作,travel太多被先生抱怨,然後亦然決然捨棄顧問回家照顧小孩的.主要的結論就是,擇你所愛,愛你所選,但時候到了或是不得以,該捨棄就是要捨棄;講師們的看法就是,當下你會覺得做了這些決定好像影響自己很大,好像就得到或是失去了什麼,但是拉長到整個人生的角度來看,這些都是非常枝微末節的,不用一下就得失心太重,那個HBS的博士很好玩,說我們現在大概會為了要去McKinsey, Bain還是BCG傷腦筋(我心裡OS:有這麼厲害的也不多好嘛…哈哈...),但是日後回顧,這都只是非常小的一件事,人生要面對的挑戰跟無法控制的部分太多了,順著自己的心,盡自己的力做好每件事就好,剩下的,留給命運去決定吧. ^^


Sunday, March 18, 2007


剛剛沒事又上網看看台灣股市消息,繼大學同學張偉齡小姐(在小金人證券)N百年前就上報紙分析科技股後,另一位應該算是跟在她career後面的學妹田璦綸也上報了,台大財金的同學後進真是相當令人敬佩.Equity research在台灣大概是台大財金的大本營吧,一個帶一個...同篇也有一位葉昌明是財金學長,當初還跟他面試過,相當帥氣性格的人..哈,時間過得真快...

不過,儘管外資圈sell side喊進台泥到燒聲,buy side似乎
反應不一, 相較於台塑一萬二千多張買超,台泥買賣方勢均力敵,昨天僅小幅買超八六二張,但隨著外資法人近期佈局主軸有往傳產股移動的跡象,本周才是觀察重點。
...(中間恕刪)... 瑞士信貸證券傳統產業分析師葉昌明也表示,和平電廠佔去年台泥